Streaming access to feature films. These films may only be viewed through the Swank Digital Campus platform. Films may be shown in class or assigned to enrolled students to view outside of class. The films do not have public performance rights. Films are licensed for one year from the date it is added to the portal.
Unlike the other streaming video collections, Swank is only available to LSC-Online faculty and students. LSC-Online has purchased a set of amount of credits for Swank videos. If you are interested in using a Swank video in your class, please contact your Librarian, Katie McGittigan, for more information and to get set up to search the Swank catalog.
Swank uses a direct link rather than an embed code for its videos. You can use this link either as a regular link within an assignment or text on D2L, or you can add it as a standalone link in D2L.
To create a link in D2L: