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Faculty Guide: Embedding Library Resources

Sharing Journals, Magazines, or Newspapers

LSCS Libraries subscribes to a wide range of online resources, which provide full-text access to a long list of academic journals, magazines, and newspapers.. Most of our databases let you link directly to a particular publication title so that you can browse or search .  To see if we have a particular publication available, check the Full Text Finder tool.

Best practice:

Use the permanent link listed in the database record for that publication. Each database vendor may call it something slightly different: permalink, stable link, permanent link. You will know it is a good link that will get you back to that page if it includes the library proxy information ( 

Why link to the article instead of downloading it and uploading the PDF into D2L?

  1. Linking complies with copyright law.
  2. Linking gives the Library valuable usage statistics for that article or journal making it more likely that the Library can continue to keep that content. (If the PDF is downloaded, we only get a record of 1 use. If the link is used, we get usage counts for each time a students clicks on the link, so we have a better idea of the importance of that content.)

Linking to Full Publications

Linking to a full publication (journal, magazine or newspaper) in a library database:

  1. Search Full-text Finder by clicking on the button for "Search for Publication Title" on the Research Databases homepage and login using your library card number.

Search for Publication Title button

  1. With Full Text Finder open, use the search box to enter the name of a particular publication, or a keyword.

screenshot of Full Text Finder search

  1. If the Library has access to the publication, it will be listed. (If it does not come back in the results, then unfortunately we do not have access to that title).

screenshot of Full Text Finder search results

  1. Under the title, the different ways to access that journal will be listed. The dates listed next to the names give the coverage period available. If it mentions "full text delay" or "embargo" then the publisher has chosen to not include the most recent content. (It will later be made available after the embargo period.)
  2. Click on the database name to go the publication homepage.

Depending on the database, it will vary about how to get a permanent link to the journal.

For EBSCO databases:

  1. Open the journal homepage and choose Share.

screenshot of journal homepage in EBSCO

  1. Copy the Permalink and use wherever you would like in your class.

screenshot of permalink share box