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Chicago Manual of Style (18th ed.): Citation Guide

Overview and formatting information for citing sources using the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition, notes and bibliography format.

Formatting a Paper in Chicago Style

Chicago Basic Formatting Rules

The following guidelines are the basic formatting rules outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style 18th edition. If your instructor sets different requirements, always use your instructor's guidelines first.


  • readable readily-available Unicode font, regular-sized
  • examples: 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Calibri or Aptos (Microsoft default fonts)


  • double space the body of the paper
  • 1-inch margins on all sides
  • indent the first line of each paragraph by 1/2-inch (tab)
  • left-justified for the body of the paper

Page Numbers:

  • count the title page as page one, but don't include a page number
  • include the page number in the top right corner of all pages except the title page

Formatting Notes:

  • Format note numbers as superscripts in the text of your paper
  • double space footnotes just like the rest of your paper

Bibliography Formatting

The following guidelines are the basic formatting rules outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style 18th edition. If your instructor sets different requirements, always use your instructor's guidelines first.


  • needs to start on a new page following the end of your paper
  • include the title Bibliography centered on the first line of the page
  • everything after the title is left-justified


  • listed in alphabetical order by the first part of the citation (usually the author)


  • 1-inch margins on all sides
  • double spaced throughout (same spacing as the rest of your paper)
  • Each entry should have a hanging indent- or it should start at the left margin and then have all lines after it indented by 1/2-inch

Chicago Title Page

The following guidelines are the basic formatting rules outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition. If your instructor sets different requirements, always use your instructor's guidelines first.

Page Number:

  • do not include the page number on the title page (but it counts as page 1)

Title Page Heading:

  • About a 1/3 of the way down the page, centered:
    • Paper Title
  • About half way down the page, centered:
    • Your Name
    • Class Name
    • Date (Month Day, Year)

Chicago Paper Visual Guide

Click on the information circles for tips on how to use Microsoft Word to format your paper in Chicago Style.