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ENGL 1301 - Prof. Boston

Finding Information: Profile

Depending on the place that you choose for your Profile, you may need different types of sources.

The following resources are some of the places that you can use to start your search.

Sources Needed

  • at least 3 credible text sources
  • at least 1 image source

Finding Text Sources

The following library resources are good places to begin your search for information on a variety of topics. To access these databases from off-campus, you just need to login using your myLoneStar email address and password.

Finding Image Sources

The internet and search engines like Google can be helpful for locating images. Depending on your topic, you might also want to use personal photographs.

Finding Information about an Online Image

When you locate an image online, particularly through a web search like Google, it's important to also locate information about that image, such as where it came from and who created it or took the photo. 

Google image search results for

Search for image using keywords

Use your keywords to search for an image on a web search like Google Images. 

While you can download or copy one of the thumbnail images on the results page, you need to go further to find out more about that image and where it comes from.

Google Image search results for

Click on the image to see the website

Once you find an image you are interested in using, click on the thumbnail. 

Information about the website where the image appears will open to the right of the page. When citing the image in your project, be sure to cite the website itself and not Google Images.

Search around the image for further information

Open the website where the image appears. 

Be sure to write down or save the name of the website, the link, and any information that appears on the page about the image. 

Sometimes the photo will have a caption that might give the name of a photographer or provide a title for the photo. 

In this example, there's a caption under the photo that tells who owns the photograph.


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