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Assignment | Astronomy Research Paper (Moturu)

PHYS 1403 & PHYS 1404 | Prof. Sarada Moturu

Your Assignment

Your Goals:

  • at least 3 sources, outside of your textbook
    • they should be credible and college-appropriate
  • MLA style (not APA or Chicago, and not a blend), which impacts:
    • document layout
    • Works Cited (MLA) page
    • in-text citations
  • at least 4 full pages of content
  • galactic collisions
  • Hubble Space telescope
  • Chandra X-ray Observatory
  • the age of the universe

For your topic, explain...

  • Some context - Why is this object or topic important and interesting to the field of astronomy?
  • What is the most current knowledge in the field (if applicable)? (You will not be able to write about everything, so choose a few important discoveries. Please note the word "current" - you should report on the most recent information you can find, not information from a few decades ago.)
  • What unanswered questions remain?
  • Kuiper belt objects
  • Compare the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets
  • Mission and latest findings of NASA’s space craft Cassini
  • Mission, uniqueness, and latest findings of James Webb Telescope

For your topic, explain...

  • Some context - Why is this object or topic important and interesting to the field of astronomy?
  • What is the most current knowledge in the field (if applicable)? (You will not be able to write about everything, so choose a few important discoveries. Please note the word "current" - you should report on the most recent information you can find, not information from a few decades ago.)
  • What unanswered questions remain?

Locate at least three (3) good sources to describe our understanding of your topic. You may cite your textbook but it will not count as one of your three. You will need to synthesize information from your research into your own words to explain why the topic is significant, what our current knowledge is, and what mysteries remain to be discovered.

Sources to Search For

Cassini photo

Cassini photo of Saturn's moons

Photo via NASA | Cassini Images

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