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HIST 1301 - Professor Ball

Library research and resource guide for HIST 1301, Professor Ball

Primary Sources

What Are Primary Sources?

The above video explains the differences between primary and secondary sources.

In the study of history, primary sources refers to first-hand accounts of events. For example, some of your sources for research in the American Revolution may include

  • Letters written by participants in the Revolution
  • Diaries written by participants in the Revolution
  • Records of the armies, navies, and other organizations that participated in the Revolution

Primary Sources in Websites

How to Find Primary Sources in Websites

Below you can find a list of websites which contain primary sources for the study of United States history.

Primary Sources by Native Americans

For one of your assignments, you must have primary sources from indigenous peoples from the early 19th Century. Here are two ebooks that are collections of writings of Native Americans from this time period.

Introduction to Databases

Database Basics

Now that you have keywords, it's time to search the databases. Have you used the databases before? If you don't have recent experience with our library's databases, then I suggest watching this introductory video.

Secondary Sources in Databases

How to Find Secondary Sources in the Library Databases

Secondary sources are sources of information written by people who are citing primary (or even other secondary sources) as their sources of information.

That's a complicated definition, so let's simplify it. Historical books and articles written by people who weren't actually there are secondary sources.

Here are some good databases for finding secondary sources about historical topics.

America: History and Life with Full Text This link opens in a new window
This resource covers the history and culture of the United States and Canada, from prehistory to the present. Hundreds of full-text journals and books, and selective indexing for journals dating back more than 60 years.


JSTORJSTOR This link opens in a new window
Complete historical full text of all issues of peer-reviewed journals in a wide range of humanities and social science fields. Articles are typically more than 5 years old. Video Tutorial


Academic Search Complete

Academic Search Complete This link opens in a new window
Multi-disciplinary database; full text of articles from over 5,300 journals, magazines and newspapers, plus image collections. Video Tutorial